Plugins Portfolio


4.8 out of 5 stars
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Social Share Buttons

“MOST POPULAR SOCIAL SHARE PLUGIN” to share your website among your friends through social sites( Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Pinterest etc.).

Key Features:
  • Social Buttons Shortcode
  • Floating Sidebar & Share Buttons
  • Define position of buttons(Left/Right/Bottom)
  • Disable sidebar on mobile
  • Hide/Show buttons for custom type
  • Show/Hide buttons for specific page/post
  • Manage buttons style and sorting order
  • Light weight (No extra JS/CSS)

WP Protect Admin

4.5 out of 5 stars
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WP Protect Admin

Protect WP-Admin allowing administrator to customize their admin panel URL and blocking the default wordpress admin url and also comes with some access filters, allowing admin to restrict wp-admin.

Key Features:
  • Custom wordpress admin slug
  • Edit default wordpress logo on login page
  • Restrict guest users to access wp-admin
  • Restrict registered guest users to wp-admin
  • Allow admin access to non-admin users
  • Login Attempt Counter
  • Change username from admin
  • Custom redirect url for defalut wp-admin url

WP Protect Content

4.1 out of 5 stars
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WP Protect Content

“WP Protect Content” plugin provided an options to protect your website content via important features i.e “Diable right click”, Disable copy content, Disable save image, Disable save website page..etc.

Key Features:
  • Disallow copy of the content
  • Disallow right click
  • Disallow f12 functional key
  • Disable alert box message
  • Disallow to print page (Ctrl+P)
  • Disallow save page (Ctrl+S)
  • Disallow to view page source (Ctrl+U)
  • Disallow save image via drag/drop


5 out of 5 stars
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WP Social Buttons

“WP-SOCIAL-BUTTONS” given you opton to add official social share/like buttons on your website. Our plugin helpful to increase traffic on your website and generate more leads.

Key Features:
  • Floating Sidebar
  • Show/hide the social buttons
  • Define postion floating sidebar
  • Disabe Sidebar For Mobile
  • Change sidebar style

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WP Importer

WP Importer plugin provide an option for create a lots of pages within few seconds only. By CSV file we can import a CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a file format for data storage which looks like a text file.

Key Features:
  • Create new post of any custom post type
  • An option to define post order
  • Define post status.
  • Define post author
  • Update Yoast plugin SEO meta data


5 out of 5 stars
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Woo Sales Count Manager

“WooCommerce Sales Count Manager” plugin help you to show the number of sold item on product details page. By this plugin, you can show number of sold item on every product.

Key Features:
  • Show total number of sold item
  • Define custom sold out item number
  • Manage CSS from admin
  • Define conversion tracking code
  • Show/hide counter on specific pages


4 out of 5 stars
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WP Youtube Gallery

Simple youtube gallery plugin which one provide you an option to add video gallery by shortcode on any page. Add/update category slug in shortcode to display video from specific category

Key Features:
  • Gallery Shortcode
  • Show/hide video title & content
  • Define content limit
  • Responsive Gallery
  • Video Lightbox popup


5 out of 5 stars
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WP Categories Widget

The “WP Categories Widget” is a very simple plugin to display the list of categories als there are given an option to choose type of taxonomy to display categories of any taxonomy type.

Key Features:
  • Show categories post count
  • Hide/Show widget title
  • Show categories of any taxonomies type
  • Exclude specific categories
  • Include specific categories

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SEO Manager

Very simple SEO plugin wihtout any unecessary code and ads. In this plugin you can find all necessary SEO meta tags & og meta tags (i.e Title, Description, Keywords, Robots, OG Image & Canonical).

Key Features:
  • Add SEO meta title
  • Add SEO meta keywords
  • Add SEO meta description
  • Enable for custom Post Type
  • Enable for custom Taxonomy

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WP Tracking Manager

Very simple and light weighted plugin to add any type of tracking code on your website. This plugin has provided an option to add page specific tracking code and restrict direct access of thank you page.

Key Features:
  • Block Direct Access of Thank-You Page
  • Adwords Conversion Code
  • Facebook Pixel Code
  • Google Analytics A/B Testing Code
  • Linkedin Conversion Code

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WP Posts Widget

It’s a very simple plugin to display recent posts on your website sidebar widget. This plugin provide you an option to choose posts from any your custom post type.

Key Features:
  • Show comment count
  • Define hide widget title
  • Choose custom post type
  • Exclude/include specific pages.
  • Define limit of post content & numbers

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WP Version Remover

The “WP Version Remover” plugin useful to remove wp version param from any enqueue scripts OR styles files. By this plugin we can remove version param easily.

Key Features:
  • Remove version param from any enqueue scripts
  • Remove version param from any enqueue styles
  • Remove generator tags from head section
  • Enable/Disable version param

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WP Sales Notifier

WP Sales Notifier is the best wordpress plugin to boost your store’s sales by displaying recent sales notification to your store’s visitors and encourage them to purchase a product from your store.

Key Features:
  • Shortcode [wpsalesnotifier]
  • Flash Notification
  • Hide flash notification on specific pages
  • Define number of most recent order item
  • Define position of flash notification.

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WP AMP Website

This plugin provide a straightforward way to create web pages that are fast, smooth-loading and prioritize the user-experience above all else. AMP makes it easy to create great experiences on the web.

Key Features:
  • Enable AMP for all post type
  • Enable amp for blog or archive pages.
  • Auto create google amp page url
  • Add tracking code
  • Manage AMP Website Style

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Tweets Slider

“Tweets Slider” plguin has provided you an option to show your latest tweets on your website as slider or in a standard way.This is very simple and light weighted plugin.

Key Features:
  • Define number of tweets
  • Define slider speed
  • Disable slider
  • Shortcode
  • Free Support

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WP CSV Importer

WP Importer plugin provide an option for create a lots of pages within few seconds only. By CSV file we can import a CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a file format for data storage which looks like a text file.

Key Features:
  • Create new post of any custom post type
  • An option to define post order
  • Define post status.
  • Define post author
  • Update Yoast plugin SEO meta data

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“WP EASY RECIPE” is a very simple plugin to add “Recipe” content with seperate categories and tags on your site in a easy way. This is fully responsive wordpress recipe plugin

Key Features:
  • “Featured Recipe“ Shortcode
  • “Recipe Of The Day” Shortcode
  • “10 Best Recipe” Shortcode
  • Categories all Recipes
  • Upload recipe category image

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WP Testimonial

“WP Testimonial” is a very simple and light weighted plugin. You can add testimonials in sidebar of website by widgets and you can also show client testimonials on any page by shortcode.

Key Features:
  • Auto Rotate Widget
  • Shortcode
  • [wt_testimonials] : Display all Testimonials
  • [wt_random] : Add rotator on any post/page

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