Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /home/u593943216/domains/wp-experts.in/public_html/secure_content/themes/wp-experts/inc/classes/class-hooks.php on line 151
Posted by WordPress Experts on September 19, 2013 2460 Views Share on
Hello Everyone! I am here now just going to tell you all a simple way for redirect your wordpress website from non www(http://yourdomain.com) to www((http://www.yourdomain.com)) URL OR www(http://www.yourdomain.com) url to non-www((http://yourdomain.com)) URL. WordPress will 301 redirect your domain to the version (www or non-www) located in the Settings->General. Here you have just need to change
Posted by WordPress Experts on September 19, 2013 2686 Views Share on
Hello Everyone! Hope you are enjoy my code ! I am here now just going to tell you all a simple way for redirect your website from non www(http://yourdomain.com) to www((http://www.yourdomain.com)) URL . If you want to redirect all non-www requests to your site to the www version, all you need to do is add
Posted by WordPress Experts on September 10, 2013 5995 Views Share on
Hello Everyone! If you want remove the index file name like index.php , index,html etc from the site url(https://www.wp-experts.in/blog/index.php) then this post will be very helpful for solve your problem. URL Before Changes :- For that you have just need to add given code in your .htaccess file //code RewriteRule ^(.*)index\.(htm|html|php)$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] URL After
Hello Everyone, If you are trying to remove “category” base from url without any plugin then use my this code URL Before Add this code like https://www.wp-experts.in/blog/category/wordpress/ URL After Add this code in your theme function like this https://www.wp-experts.in/blog/wordpress/ ———————————————————————————————————— /* Remove category base usign hooks */ register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'raghunath_category_base_refresh_rules'); register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'raghunath_category_base_deactivate'); /* actions */ add_action('created_category',
Hello Everyone If you are trying to add pagination on for your custom post type using “WP-PageNavi” plugin in your site then you have need to add custom post type query in wp_pagenavi() function after end of while loop <?php $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type'
Hello friends, If you want remove the footer from admin then please follow these steps : Go to your theme folder Open function.php file in editor add this code in your function : //create custom seio friendly url using page slug "product" function add_profile_rewrite() { add_rewrite_tag("%mode%", '([^/]*)'); add_rewrite_tag("%det%", '([^/]*)'); /*add_rewrite_tag("%video_src%", '([^/]*)'); add_rewrite_tag("%video_title%", '([^/]*)');*/ // Before