Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /home/u593943216/domains/wp-experts.in/public_html/secure_content/themes/wp-experts/inc/classes/class-hooks.php on line 151
Hello everyone! Twitter, Facebook and many other social networking website offers embedded code to add share buttons on our website. The thing is, they all have different dimensions and looks, which can make your page style quite inconsistent. So the idea is to use a custom link for our share button on Twitter, and then
Hello Friends! In my last post “Custom Facebook Share Button” (https://www.wp-experts.in/blog/2013/08/05/how-add-facebook-share-button-anywhere-in-your-website) i have told you the way to add a custom “Facebook ” share button in any website. I am now here going to tell you for add the “Custom Content” in the custom share button. So if anyone want to change the content in
Hello Everyone! I am come back with a new information for you. If you want add a Twitter share button/links in your website then please just copy and paste my code in your files where you want add this, you have no need to add/include other external CSS or JS files. <a onclick="window.open('https://twitter.com/?status=ENTER YOUR TWEET