In cases where the viewport is resized ABOVE the mobile bp it works, but when the viewport is resized to desktop slick does not initialize. You can use below code to work the slick properly HTML <section class="responsive slider"> <div><img src="" /></div> <div><img src="" /></div> <div><img src="" /></div> <div><img src="" /></div> <div><img src="" /></div> <div><img
Hello Friends, Today we are sharing a useful information to make google recaptcha field required. You can try with below sample code to add validation for recaptcha field. Sample 1 – Pure javascript <script> window.onload = function() { var $recaptcha = document.querySelector('#g-recaptcha-response'); if($recaptcha) { $recaptcha.setAttribute("required", "required"); } }; </script> Sample 2 – With jQuery <script>
Normally when we click on the pdf file link it is open in browser instead to download it on our local system. So if you want to force to download the pdf on local system instead to open into browser then you can do it very easily. I am here explain you helpful trick to
PayPal does support discount codes or coupons for PayPal Buy Now button, you can define the customers discounts for PayPal Buy Now button by using button settings from your PayPal account. For PayPal Buy Now button, you can set flat discount amount or you can also set the discount in %. You can also set
During move the site on server, you face the permission related issue on your website. Due to wrong permission you can get “An Internal Server Error”, “404 error” or website content loading issue. #adsIn this post I am here explaining a way to fix the permission issue within seconds only. Always set the folders permission
Here we are going to explain the way of play YouTube video on different speeds. As you normally you can’t set the speed of your YouTube video in embed iframe code. To set change speed of YouTube video, you will require to use the YouTube APIs. Without Youtube API you can’t change youtube video play
Hi Guys, Today I am going to tell you all possible way to fix the “Header already sent” error. Headers already sent, error is the most common error in PHP. Why “ Header already sent ” error is occurred? Empty lines in your PHP code, is the main reason of this error. You faced this
It does not matter what CMS you have used to built your website. I am here explaining all steps to you add reCaptcha on your site without using any module or plugin. For WordPress Site Are you using contact form 7 plugin on your wordpress site? If yes you have no need to use any
Basic definition of addon is the that “A collection of modules which can added as a extra feature into your existing application.“ Addon will always work with their parent application. Example with Browsers: YouTube Download Plus – Mozilla Firefox Addon – Using youtube downloader addon you can download YouTube video on your local system. Full
I think we should not allow to add link in comment message box because spam chances on website are higher if you allow links in comment box. During post a comment by user on any of post, by default wordpress send a notification to admin with post link so admin can easily know the comment