Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /home/u593943216/domains/wp-experts.in/public_html/secure_content/themes/wp-experts/inc/classes/class-hooks.php on line 151
By default WooCommerce does display the “Read More” for all out of stock products. If you want to change the “Read More” button text to “Out of Stock” then you can do it easily by following the WooCommerce hooks functions even you have not any coding knowledge. You will only require to add below code
Hello Friends! Hope you are doing well :) If you are using the WP e-Commerce plugin in your wordpress site and want to create a custom sorting option on product list page OR want to show the product on basis of variations in different-2 tabs then don’t worry , just update the attached files in
Posted by WordPress Experts on February 21, 2014 1054 Views Share on
Hello Friends! :) If you want to create a custom sort order on product list page then you have need to follow my steps given below: Firstly you have need to create a custom field in admin, so for that just add given code in your theme function files //Start code for custom meta box
Hello Friends! If you are using the wp e-commerce plugin and want to change the “Cart Quantity” value as per you entered the value during “Add To Cart” then don’t worry, just follow my steps. Firstly you have need to find out “cart.class” files in your plugin folders After that open this file in your