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Today we are going to explain a way to integrate your twitter account with your Linkedin account. If you integrate your twitter account with linkedin then chance of increasing visibility across social media platforms as much more. After add a Twitter account to your LinkedIn profile, you can post your LinkedIn update directly to your
Here we are going to explain the way of play YouTube video on different speeds. As you normally you can’t set the speed of your YouTube video in embed iframe code. To set change speed of YouTube video, you will require to use the YouTube APIs. Without Youtube API you can’t change youtube video play
It does not matter what CMS you have used to built your website. I am here explaining all steps to you add reCaptcha on your site without using any module or plugin. For WordPress Site Are you using contact form 7 plugin on your wordpress site? If yes you have no need to use any
To add AdSense ads on your blog or your site, you will need to follow given below steps 1. Create Account First you will require to create a account on ads senses. During create a account AdSense will ask you some question. You will need to provide all AdSense questions answer to continue the account
The CCPA provides that every website should have a Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy must advise consumers of the various rights that the CCPA gives them. Although the CCPA contains various other obligations, the Privacy Policy is the most significant requirement. So, what does the CCPA mean for existing Privacy Policies? It’s simple. If you
Hello Friends, From last few years, We were getting request from our users to provide video tutorial and Officially today we have released our youtube channel, I hope you all will like our videos. Please have a look on below link to visit our youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2SOgxuD5PRbIMCv8r_q4A Share our channel link with your friends and