Hello Everyone
If you are using
JQueryUI tooltip Plugin to display some dynamic messages to the user and want to display the tooltip when a user clicks a button.
For that you have need to just edit in
jquery.tooltip.js files
Find this code in your js files
// Configuration setup
config = {
'dialog_content_selector' : 'div.tooltip_description',
'animation_distance' : 50,
//'opacity' : 0.85,
'arrow_left_offset' : 70,
'arrow_top_offset' : 50,
'arrow_height' : 20,
'arrow_width' : 20,
'animation_duration_ms' : 300,
'hover_delay' : 0
Replace with this
// Configuration setup
config = {
'dialog_content_selector' : 'div.tooltip_description',
'animation_distance' : 50,
//'opacity' : 0.85,
'arrow_left_offset' : 70,
'arrow_top_offset' : 50,
'arrow_height' : 20,
'arrow_width' : 20,
'animation_duration_ms' : 300,
'hover_delay' : 0
Find this code in your tooltip js files
var ele = this;
hoverTimer = setTimeout(function() { _show(ele); }, config.hover_delay)
Replace with this
var ele = this;
hoverTimer = setTimeout(function() { _show(ele); }, config.hover_delay)

Enjoy Code!
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thanks. how can click another tip, close tip?
how to click the second tip, close previous tip?
Thanks for a good comment :)
After click on any tip previous tip will be automatically close and current tip will be display only