To update your Divi Theme manually you have two option:
Option 1
- Go to the Elegant Themes members area and login to your account
- Click on the DOWNLOAD THE DIVI THEME button at the top of the page
- In your FTP program (I use CoffeeCup HTML editor which has built-in FTP) access your site files and look for wp-content/theme/Divi
- Rename the Divi folder to Divi-x (this is so you can easily delete the new version and rename the old one back to Divi if there are issues)
- Unzip the latest Divi version you downloaded from Elegant Themes and upload to your server under the wp-content/themes/ folder
- You are now running the latest version of Divi
Drawback of
option 1 is that In #
Option 1 If you have done any customization work in HTML or CSS then these all changes will be lost and To add your customization work in new theme, you will need to do all changes manually again.
Option 2
You can updated divi theme manually without lost of your customization work. In this way you will need to setup child theme of
Divi theme.
If you already using child then you can use first option otherwise you will require to create child theme of Divi theme.
What you will Need to Create a Divi Child Theme
To create your Divi Child theme, you will need the following:
- Divi Theme Installed and Activated
- Text Editor for editing theme files. You can use the text editor that comes with Windows or Mac but if you plan on making a habit of editing these files, I suggest getting a more powerful text editor like Atom, Sublime, Notepad++, etc.
- FTP Client – This isn’t necessary if you plan on uploading your child theme to WordPress as a zip file. But if you are trying to access the theme files for a live site you will need an FTP client like FileZilla in order to be able to access, edit, add, or delete theme files. If you are working on a local install, you should be able to access the theme files directly on your hard drive.
- Cup of Coffee or Tea (optional)
The Building Blocks of a Child Theme

On the most basic level, a child theme must consist of three things:
- A child theme directory (or folder). Like all themes, your child theme folder will exist inside your WordPress Themes folder that holds your child theme files.
- A style.css file (which will be used to store your child theme CSS)
- A functions.php file – At the basic level this file will hold the wp_enqueue_scripts action that will enqueue the parent theme stylesheet (more on this later)
Create Your Child Theme Directory (Folder)

There are two ways to add your child theme files to WordPress. You can add the child theme folder to the WordPress theme files directly (via FTP, or locally). Or you can create a folder outside of WordPress to be later zipped and uploaded into WordPress as a new theme.
To create a new folder for your child theme directly into WordPress, you will need to access your theme files located in the wordpress Themes folder (wp-content/themes/). Then create a new folder inside the themes folder and give it the name “divi-child”. So the new child theme directory will be wp-content/themes/divi-child.

But if you are creating child theme folder to be compressed and uploaded into WordPress later, you can simply create a new folder on your computer and give it the name “divi-child”.
Create Your Child Theme Style.css File to Add Custom CSS

Within your new theme folder, use a text editor to create a file called style.css (the name must be exactly this or WordPress won’t recognize it) and fill in the information as outlined below.
Theme Name: Divi Child
Theme URI:
Description: Divi Child Theme
Author: Elegant Themes
Author URI:
Template: Divi
Version: 1.0.0
/* =Theme customization starts here
------------------------------------------------------- */
If you don’t plan on publishing your child theme, you really only have to have the Theme Name and a Template entered. So if you are struggling to know how to fill in all that info, don’t worry about it.

You must make sure that the “Template:” parameter correctly identifies the directory name of your parent theme which is “Divi”. The theme Name, URI, Description and Author are totally up to you. You can customize this header info to accommodate for your client needs. For example you may want to add the name of your client’s company for your theme name since this is the name that shows up when visiting your theme in the WordPress Dashboard.
Create Your Functions.php to Enqueue Your Parent Theme Stylesheet

Now that we have our style.css file for our child theme in place, we need to make sure we don’t completely leave out the styling already in place inside of Divi (the parent theme). That means we will need to make sure we use Divi’s Parent stylesheet first and then introduce our new stylesheet after. This order is important because if you are familiar with CSS, the code you enter at the bottom will always take precedence over the code at the top. So, in our case, we want the parent stylesheet code to load first and then our child stylesheet code last.
To do this, we need to enqueue the parent theme’s (Divi’s) stylesheet. Enqueue is a fancy word that literally means “add to a queue” so in this case we are adding the parent stylesheet to be queued first before the child theme stylesheet. In other words, anything we add to our child theme stylesheet will add to and supercede the parent theme.
Since Divi was first launched, it was set up to adhere to the original WordPress recommended way of setting up a child theme. This original method of creating child themes involved doing a CSS @import of the parent theme’s stylesheet from within the child theme style.css file. Many themes are still set up in this way, leaving the child theme the simple task of defining its own style.css and @import -ing Divi’s style.css and Divi will load that file automatically. This works by Divi using the get_stylesheet_directory_uri() function when it enqueue’s the main stylesheet. What this means is Divi is set up to call upon either it’s own stylesheet or the child theme’s stylesheet (whichever one is active). Basically, with the get_stylesheet_directory_uri(), if you have activated a Child Theme, WordPress will return the uri to the child theme directory rather than the parent theme directory.
Now that WordPress has updated its recommended way of approaching this, you can still easily set up the styles for your Divi child theme. All you need to do is explicitly enqueue Divi’s main style.css, since Divi is already set up to enqueue the child theme’s style.css.
In order to do this, we will need to use our text editor to create another file within the child theme folder. Save the file with the Name functions.php (the name must be exactly this) and then add the following code into the file:
function my_theme_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_enqueue_styles' );
Then save the file.
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