Are you not able to logging using correct username & password? Are you getting cookie related error during the log into admin?
If you are having trouble logging in to your WordPress Administration Screen, here are some possible solutions.
Enable Error log
- Add given below code into your wordpress wp-config.php file
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
- Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
Enable Cookies
In order to make sure that cookies are enabled for your browser, you need to:
- Clear your browser cookies.
- Clear your browser cache.
Disable Plugins
Some WordPress Plugins may interfere with the login process. Disable all of your WordPress Plugins, either through the Administration Screen or by removing them from the /wp-content/plugins/ folder, so they will not be recognized by the program.
Alternatively, you can rename the plugins folder to something else temporarily to something like
/wp-content/pluginsXX/ and they will not be recognized. Rename the folder back to /wp-content/plugins/ once the base WordPress installation has been recovered.
Deactivate Theme
- Rename the active theme folder (in wp-content/themes) by using FTP. Once renamed, WordPress will revert to using the {{DefaultTheme}}. When finally logged in, change to a different theme.
- To find out what caused problem in the theme, upload and run this code when the theme is active:
ini_set('display_errors','1'); ini_set('display_startup_errors','1'); error_reporting (E_ALL); include('index.php');
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